In acknowledgement of our first program, the name, Teachabout, is based on the word 'tijimbat' which is used in Minyerri to mean 'teach your kids about everything'.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people viewing this blog are advised that it may include images of deceased persons.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rita: Arabella the NAIDOC croc

On Friday, Minyerri was in the midst of NAIDOC celebrations. The highlights included football and basketball competitions and a big disco in the evening. The kids proudly showed off their NAIDOC t-shirts that had been hand painted by one of the organisers of the festivities. We spent the better part of the afternoon watching the girls’ basketball competition. The court was a hub of activity with women of all ages watching the game. Little children ran frantically around the painted boundary lines while the older women sat on the side chatting.

I am pleased to report that the Blackwater Cats football team, who are coached by our friend Trevor, won their first match. However, the Brisbane Lions (deceptively an all-Minyerri team) won the grand final.

On Saturday we revisited the Flatrock waterhole at Minamia accompanied by Hilda, Mary, Loris, Isobel, and a massive drove of kids. Eamon and Amy joined the women on their fishing venture while the rest of us swam and explored the rockpools. The kids spotted a goanna hiding in a tiny waterhole and spent the next hour staking it out, hoping to land the lizard. No such luck.

Between them, the four women returned home with 2 turtles, 13 brim and, most spectacularly, Mary caught a freshwater croc on her fishing line. The 1.3 meter croc was immediately given the name Arabella. Mary, a slender woman, outmuscled the croc. Later, she admitted that it almost pulled her in.

Sadly, Eamon and Amy didn’t score any lucky catches… although they did lose a hook. We had to settle for can corned beef damper.

On the return home we got bogged in sand at the bottom of a steep incline. We got out thanks to Loris’s expertise, using smashed up termite mounds to toughen the areas in front of the wheel.

Today was spent planning for our final week in Minyerri. We have planned a jam packed three final days. Spoilers – a boys hunting trip, a new activity fondly called ‘Dancin’ Amy’ and the big sports day.

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